Black Highlighter 25.0 adds a whole new tool, the Magic Lasso, along with a number of other changes and fixes.

Magic Lasso

The Magic Lasso gives you the power to select a lot of text all at once. Select entire paragraphs and redact them all at once. The Magic Lasso doesn’t just fill a whole area; it uses the same smart detection as the Magic Highlighter to neatly and completely redact the text you select.

New Tool Effects

The Magic Lasso and Eraser have new effects that help make it clear when you’re using those tools as opposed to the Magic or Manual Highlighter tools.

Updated Contact Info

Black Highlighter is now available on Bluesky and Facebook! Find links in the settings area to follow Black Highlighter for announcements and support.

Bug Fixes

Sending a contact e-mail through the app correctly dismisses the window after saving, instead of… just sitting around confusingly.

Get Black Highlighter 2025.0 on the App Store.