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Black Highlighter helps you hide text in photos and screenshots.
Get it on the App Store.Black Highlighter helps you hide text in photos and screenshots.
Get it on the App Store.The Magic Highlighter snaps to and completely covers any text it sees. This makes redactions look neater, while making it harder to guess what lies underneath due to oddly-shaped letters.
Black Highlighter actually goes way beyond black. Use white to redact in dark mode, or pick colors for different people in a group chat.
Even if the text you want to redact is on printed paper, you're in luck. Scan documents with your phone's camera, and Black Highlighter will automatically crop and import it for you.
Requires one-time in-app purchase to unlock. Not available on macOS.
Black Highlighter is right at home on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. This way, you've got the power of Black Highlighter no matter what situation you're in.
Specify things you always want to redact: names, phone numbers, addresses, and more. Black Highlighter will automatically recognize these and redact them for you.
Requires one-time in-app purchase to unlock.
What's better than automatic redaction? Automatic automatic redaction. Build workflows with Shortcuts or Automator to speed up common redactions.
Requires one-time in-app purchase to unlock.